Marker Based AR for Retail Industry Priya Menon July 5, 2020

Marker Based AR for Retail Industry

05 Aug 2020

Augmented Reality known for its real time experience in transcripting images, objects and surfaces to creative real time animations and videos sharing informations and making the experience more fun and interactive. Marker Based AR is a mobile application that allows to scan the physical “markers” and render a 2D/3D model, videos, animations and audios over different business verticals. Commerce, Games, Retails and Medicines are few genres actively growing with the Marker Based AR platform.

A room is created as a bridge in between merchants and customers in the Retail Industry with the configuration of Marker Based AR Application. Here the customers/users get a chance to scan the marker image to get an augmented 2D and 3D animations, another image, videos, audios and web links as a Real Time experience.

The Intellify has successfully designed and developed few applications, which helps the Retail Industry to grow and network. Application like “Uunique GET REAL” helps customers to scan the barcode to download an application into their device, which later allows them to scan the mobile cases trying it to get to see how it may fit and look on their devices. Also they have a fun interactive experience with animated characters in real time. We here have developed similar applications for different genres of Retail Industry using Marker Based AR.

How is Marker Based AR winning over Retail Industry?

Merchants Can:


  • Customize shopping experience
  • Delight and astound their customers
  • Engage and cherish their customers
  • Be ahead of the competition


Customers can:


  • Fetch and try-on the products remotely
  • Explore and experience brand new ways to shop
  • Can make more informed purchasing decisions
  • Experience the blend of fun interactive entertainment and buying products


Retail Industry will be left with a prompted Marker Based AR experience with Augmented Contents. Let’s explore and experience our imagination coming to live with the products we intend to buy.

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