
A Detailed Guide on How to Outsource Laravel Development Projects

Shravan Rajpurohit

By Shravan Rajpurohit

June 10, 2024

When you outsource Laravel development to an agency, they will use the Laravel PHP framework to create your website, app, or portal. Over 757,000 active websites, including significant companies like Unified Infotech and 9GAG, are powered by Laravel, making it a popular and trustworthy solution. Given obstacles such as limited resources, short timelines, and insufficient in-house development talent, many small, medium, and big companies choose to outsource.

The blog is for you if you are considering outsourcing your Laravel project but need help knowing where to begin. The blog will review the pros, cons, and expenses. And outsourcing procedures so you may make an informed decision. Also, you’ll learn about your problems and how to fix them. Following this detailed blog will make outsourcing your Laravel development job effortless.

When Should You Think about Outsourcing Laravel Development?

Several factors must be considered when deciding whether to outsource Laravel development. The most important things are:

Lack of  In-house Expertise

If your company needs more in-house expertise in Laravel development, consider outsourcing. You can tap into seasoned developers’ knowledge. And expertise without committing to a full-time workforce.


In the long run, outsourcing can save you money. You save money on salary, benefits, and overhead by not employing full-time workers. Instead, you pay for the exact development work that you need.

Strict Deadlines

Outsourcing might be helpful if you need to finish the work or project. Expert Laravel developers can keep your project on track and within budget.

Scalability with Flexibility

When you outsource, you may change your development team as the project advances. You may also hire developers as needed, allowing you to expand your workforce.

Access to the Latest Technologies

Gaining access to cutting-edge tools and development processes is one benefit of outsourcing. This will be a cost-effective investment if your company lacks the capital to buy cutting-edge equipment and software.

5 Key Advantages of Outsourcing a Laravel Development

Companies of all sizes may benefit from outsourcing their Laravel development. These are the main advantages:

Getting Access To Specialized Knowledge

Outsourcing gives you access to a vast network of skilled Laravel developers focusing on current PHP techniques. These programmers can design unique applications utilizing Laravel’s Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework and associated technologies.

Cuts Down On Internal Expenses

You may save money via outsourcing by reducing the need to hire and train. And manage a full-time development staff. As a result, you may save money on wages, perks, and office space, which will help your budget go further.

Allows For Flexible Team Scalability

By using an outsourcing service, you can adjust the size of your team to meet the project demands. With this flexibility, you can adapt to evolving project needs, saving you the trouble of recruiting and supervising an in-house development staff.

Strengthens Primary Business Purposes

Consider outsourcing Laravel development to an outside firm to free up internal resources for more strategic endeavors. Market expansion, consumer interaction. And product innovation are all measures that may help a firm develop.

Reduces the Development Period

Regarding CI/CD methods, external teams often use Agile approaches. And sophisticated technologies like Jenkins, GitLab CI, and CircleCI. You may speed up the product launch and decrease the time from development to launch with these solutions that automate deployment and testing.

See Also: Cost to Develop a Web Application

Methods for Outsourcing a Laravel Development Project

With proper preparation and execution, outsourcing your Laravel development job may provide excellent results. If you are looking to outsource your Laravel development project, follow the given steps:

Establish the Objectives, Scope, and Technical Needs of the Project

Your project’s objectives, limits, and technical specifications must be detailed before you can begin. This necessitates a comprehensive team discussion to define your Laravel project’s parameters. Important factors to think about are:

  • Project Objectives & Goals: The goals of your project should be stated. Get a feel for your intended audience and your goals.
  • Project Outcomes and Features: Before beginning any project, you must determine its essential characteristics and deliverables. This helps you keep focus and avoid scope creep.
  • Integrations and Technologies: Specify the software, hardware, and network components required to complete your project. This ensures compatibility and scalability.
  • Limitations: Note any restrictions, such as time limits, financial limits, or technological limitations.
  • Channels of Communication: Provide clear reporting structures and routes of contact to ensure accessible communication with the outsourced team.

Find the Right Outsourcing Company The Laravel Expert

The next stage is to determine an appropriate Laravel development partner like The Intellify. Locate leading Laravel development companies by browsing sites like LinkedIn. Think about using these questions to assess possible outsourcing partners:

  • Prior work experience: I wanted to know whether you had worked on any Laravel projects related to our field or with comparable features.
  • Software Reliability: When building scalable Laravel applications, how can one guarantee high-quality, easily-maintained code?
  • Communication: How do you manage communication When working with teams in various time zones?
  • Testing Procedure: What steps do you take to ensure that Laravel apps are bug-free?
  • Support After Development: For Laravel projects, what kinds of post-development support and scalability options are available?
  • References from Clients: Please provide any references you may have from clients who have worked on projects like ours.
  • Security: When developing, how do you keep confidential data safe?

Using the answers to these questions, you may locate service providers that can handle your unique requirements for a Laravel site. Get the ball rolling on the Request for Proposal (RFP) after you have a shortlist of potential companies. This paper should include functional needs, design preferences, and technological specs.

Send the request for proposals (RFP) to outsourced companies like The Intellify. That who cut, and then review their responses. Pick the outsourcing model that works best for your project while you’re still in the selection phase:

  • Staff augmentation model: The outsourcing firm may provide competent developers to supplement your in-house workforce.
  • Dedicated Team  Model: Engage a specialized development team like The Intellify to handle your project in-house as you follow the agency’s instructions.
  • Complete Project Outsourcing Model: Contract out all aspects of project management and website creation to a third party.

Finish Contract Negotiations, Set Up Payment Terms

Essential steps include:

  • Settling on a payment plan.
  • Finalizing the contract.
  • Negotiating conditions before progressing with the project.

Things to think about are as follows:

  • Terms & Conditions: The project scope, timetable, deliverables, and particular needs are only a few of the terms and conditions that must be discussed and agreed upon. Strive for openness and precision to forestall misconceptions.
  • Detailed Contract: Ensure you include all the agreed-upon terms in a comprehensive contract. This should include information on the project and its timeline. And the methods for resolving any disputes. Consult an attorney to ensure you follow all the necessary rules and regulations.
  • Terms of Payment: Establish the conditions for payment, including the timeline, milestones, and invoicing policies. Ensure all parties agree to these conditions before beginning the project.

Provide Communication and Resources

For an outsourced project to be successful, all parties involved must communicate well. And divide resources. For successful teamwork, adhere to the following rules:

  • Effective Means of Communication: Maintain consistent contact using well-defined electronic communication methods like email, video chat, or project management software like Trello or Asana.
  • Competent Project Manager: Assign a specific project manager to coordinate the team’s efforts. This individual will ease communication across teams. And serve as the primary point of contact.
  • Provide Resources: Be sure the outsourced team has everything they need to complete the development project. The necessary software licenses, tools, and project documentation are all part of this.
  • Regular Check-Ins: To watch how far along you are in the run of your project, set up frequent status meetings. Make sure the project remains on schedule by using these sessions to discuss problems, provide suggestions, and get feedback.

Verify Acceptance of Deliverables

The last stage is checking that the outsourcing partner’s deliverables satisfy your standards. While doing the evaluation, consider asking the following questions:

  • Criteria and Expectations for Excellence: Has the product been quality-tested and meets all requirements?
  • Important Dates and Objectives: Were all milestones and deadlines satisfied under the project schedule?
  • Clear and Effective Expression: How responsive and successful was communication during the project?
  • Potential Improvement Areas: To complete the project, is there anything that might be changed or improved?

By answering these questions, you can assess the performance of your outsourcing partner in great detail. Work with your partner to fix any problems that may arise. Proceed with the project’s final acceptance after all deliverables have been evaluated. And any required adjustments have been made based on feedback.

Following these steps will help you outsource your Laravel development project in a way that meets your needs in terms of time, money, and happiness.

Costs and Rates for Laravel Outsourcing

Costs associated with outsourcing Laravel development vary depending on factors. Such as the location of both the supplier and the developers. Still, businesses need to be mindful that there are hidden expenses.


The primary element impacting outsourcing pricing is the developers’ location. For instance, a Laravel developer in the US might expect more significant pay. Than one in Poland due to the former’s cheaper cost of living. Due to this disparity in the cost of living, outsourcing fees for equal skill levels are more affordable.

Laravel outsourcing rates are also affected by other variables, such as:

  • Pricing Structures for Outsourcing: A dedicated team model, a staff augmentation approach, or complete project outsourcing will all have different costs.
  • Project Size and Time Required: Cost is proportional to the project’s size and duration.
  • Expertise of Development Partner: Rates are affected by the developer’s level of knowledge.
  • Team Size: Cost is proportional to the size of the team.
  • Tech Stack: The project’s budget could change depending on the technology and tools needed to complete it.

The Hidden Costs of Outsourcing

Most outsourcing companies are honest about their prices, but there may be surprises. Among these unforeseen expenses are:

  • Management Fees: Extra money needed to oversee and coordinate a project.
  • Support Fees: Additional expenses for continuing help beyond the project’s completion.
  • Unplanned Software Development: Expenses incurred due to unanticipated software upgrades throughout a project.
  • Unplanned modifications: Changes to the project’s scope or needs might lead to unexpected plan adjustments, which can result in more costs.
  • Maintenance Fees: Maintenance fees are more for keeping the project up-to-date and running after it goes online.

If you are prepared for these hidden charges, you better manage your budget and avoid trouble. If you want to know how much your Laravel development project will cost. Ask your outsourcing provider for a full breakdown of all possible expenses.


Although there is a lot of promise in Laravel development, it might be costly to grow an in-house team. It takes careful preparation and partner selection to outsource Laravel development company. And get advantages like cost savings and expertise. You can make the most of Laravel to do your business objectives more. If you choose the correct Laravel development firm to work with, use good communication and project management methods. Remember that it’s not only about the price; it’s about making clever use of resources and getting things done.


What Should One Keep In Mind While Looking To Outsource Laravel Development?

Considerations like cost-effectiveness, time zone compatibility, data security, intellectual property protection, team structure, and project management technique are essential when looking for Laravel development outsourcing services. Supplier competence is also essential.

Which Option Is Better: A Laravel Development Firm Or A Freelancer?

There are pros and cons to each choice. Freelancers provide more leeway and cheaper rates but may need a full-time employee’s in-house resources or knowledge. Development teams such as The Intellify provide bigger teams and more expertise. And structure, but they may need to be more flexible and charge more. Think about the time and money you have available and the complexity of your project before deciding to outsource Laravel development.

How Many Days Does It Usually Take To Complete A Project Using Laravel?

A typical Laravel development project could take a few weeks or months. Yet, this can vary depending on the project’s scale and complexity. Project durations range from one to two months for smaller tasks to six months or more for more involved ones.

How Long Will My Outsourcing Partner Be Available To Help Me After The Launch?

Bug patches, upgrades, and maintenance are standard components of post-launch support that an outsourcing partner like The Intellify provides. This helps to guarantee that the program works. Your contract with the outsourcing provider should include details on post-launch support.

Shravan Rajpurohit
Written By,
Shravan Rajpurohit

Written By, Shravan Rajpurohit

The CEO and Co-Founder of The Intellify . Shravan loves to experiment with new techniques and strategies. The posts written by Shravan are awesome for businesses who are seeking for Development ideas.

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Working with The Intellify to develop our website was an outstanding experience. Their team displayed exceptional professionalism, creativity, and technical expertise throughout the entire process. The final product exceeded our expectations, delivering a sleek, user-friendly, and highly functional website. We highly recommend The Intellify to anyone in need of top-tier web development services.

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